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West Coast Youth Alliance 2024 Winter Retreat

West Coast Sikh Youth Alliance presents to you it's 17th Annual Winter Retreat from January 12-14th!

This year's topic will be post 1947 Sikh activism. During this 3-day retreat, not only will campers be participating in lectures, but there will also be opportunities for campers to participate in Darbar, socialize with other campers, and take part in winter activities! Take this opportunity to reconnect with Sikhi, socialize with other fellow sangat members and have fun!

The minimum age for campers is 16+ although younger children are permitted to attend with a parent.

The registration fee is $125, and the registration deadline is December 24th, 2023.

After completing this form, you will be redirected to pay by PayPal. If for some reason you cannot pay by PayPal, please email to arrange for payment in person. Your registration is not complete until payment has been received.

Personal Information

Singh or Kaur
Would you like to do on Sunday

*Depending on avaliblity

Are you driving

Emergency Contact Information

Medical Information

Does the Registrant suffer from any of the following medical conditions?:

All of the medical information is accurate as of today’s date. If there are any changes between now and the camp, I agree to notify WCSYA Camp with updated information. *

Consent to Medical Treatment and General Consent

I agree that WCSYA camp, its directors, camp staff, counselors and volunteers accept no liability in connection with the supervision or administration of medication to my child or myself if I am over 18 years old.

Camp staff will not supervise the administration of prescribed medication unless the parent or guardian or individual expressly authorizes the administration of medication at Camp, the parent or guardian or individual provides explicit written instructions regarding the manner in which the medication is to be administered, and there are staff available to undertake this task.

I do hereby consent to administering prescription medication and to emergency medical treatment to my son/daughter while he/she is at Khalsa Centre @ Miracle Valley.

I, (Parent or Guardian or camper if over the age of 19), give my son/daughter permission to attend and participate at WCSYA Winter Retreat at Khalsa Centre @ Miracle Valley in Mission, BC.

I understand that Khalsa Centre, Satnam Education Society, its officers, directors, trustees, employees, volunteers, agents, servants, predecessors, successors, parents, and associated companies are not liable for any injury that occurs to any participant while participating in any camp activities or loss of any property of any participants.

I give permission for my or my child's pictures/audio/video to be taken and give permission for the materials to be used on camp related advertising, website, pamphlets, etc.

By entering my name below, I am providing my signature agreeing to all written above.

General Information

Almost done!

Which Seva (volunteer work) would you be interested in performing at camp? (check all that apply):
Which of the following Sevas do you feel comfortable doing in Darbar? (check all that apply or none if none apply)
How did you hear about the WCSYA Winter Retreat?

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